Bohemian Passport Sound Effects Library  

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No. Length Play Price Location Description
26 01:23 Click here to listen to this sound with an mp3 Player. 0 Auckland, New Zealand Birds Austral-Asian - Auckland Zoo. Exterior perspective. Primarily Australian Lorikeets. Bright and shrill. Slight background water sounds otherwise very clean.
27 01:17 Click here to listen to this sound with an mp3 Player. 0 Auckland, New Zealand Birds Austral-Asian - Auckland Zoo. Interior bird house, various indigenous birds, slight ventilation hum.
28 02:02 Click here to listen to this sound with an mp3 Player. 0 Auckland, New Zealand Otters - Auckland Zoo. Exterior perspective. Two otters making sad whining sounds. Light water flow in background
29 03:05 Click here to listen to this sound with an mp3 Player. 0 Auckland, New Zealand Restaurant Diner Empty - Restaurant interior. “Willy Wonkas Ice Cream Emporium”. Mostly refrigeration hum. Undefinable T.V. in background Quiet, rumble, exterior traffic, distant kitchen activity. No other patrons in the establishment.
30 03:46 Click here to listen to this sound with an mp3 Player. 0 New Zealand Minibus Interior Ride - Toyota minibus over soft, bumpy sand. Constant running, stop, drive away. Light rattles and bumps with quiet and constant engine sounds.
31 01:51 Click here to listen to this sound with an mp3 Player. 0 New Zealand Engine Diesel Idle - Exterior perspective of Toyota minibus diesel engine. Constant idle.
32 01:27 Click here to listen to this sound with an mp3 Player. 0 New Zealand Engine Diesel Idle - Exterior perspective of same Toyota diesel minibus engine as previous recording, different perspective. Constant idle.
33 05:47 Click here to listen to this sound with an mp3 Player. 0 New Zealand Waves Surf Distant - 90 Mile Beach northern N.Z. Large beach surf about 50 m away. Occasional wash comes in close.
34 03:11 Click here to listen to this sound with an mp3 Player. 0 New Zealand Waves Surf Close Rocks - Northern most tip of N.Z. Large, irregular waves on rocks. Very close perspective.
35 05:00 Click here to listen to this sound with an mp3 Player. 0 New Zealand Waterfall Heavy - Waterfall 100 ft. high, 50 ft. wide, 50 ft. away.
36 04:40 Click here to listen to this sound with an mp3 Player. 0 Rotorua, New Zealand Steam Gurgle Hiss Sputter - Steam escaping and gurgling from a hole in the ground due to geothermal activity.
37 05:02 Click here to listen to this sound with an mp3 Player. 0 Rotorua, New Zealand Boiling Mud Bubbling Gurgling - Boiling mud caused by geothermal activity.
38 03:47 Click here to listen to this sound with an mp3 Player. 0 Rotorua, New Zealand Boiling Mud Water Bubbling - Boiling mud and water with steam caused by geothermal activity. Very large pool wide stereo recording.
39 04:56 Click here to listen to this sound with an mp3 Player. 0 Rotorua, New Zealand Boiling Water Gurgling - Boiling water and steam escaping from a small deep hole in the ground due to geothermal activity. Gurgling and sputtering sounds. Very light wind on microphone at points.
40 04:00 Click here to listen to this sound with an mp3 Player. 0 Waitomo, New Zealand Cave Drips Water - Water dripping in large cave. Nice natural reverberation.
41 04:58 Click here to listen to this sound with an mp3 Player. 0 Waitomo, New Zealand Cave Drips Water - Water dripping in cave. Very busy. Recorded from exterior some ambient air.
42 03:00 Click here to listen to this sound with an mp3 Player. 0 Auckland, New Zealand Airplane Interior Climb Take Off - Boeing 767 takeoff and climb. Small amount of walla and fan noise in background.
43 01:51 Click here to listen to this sound with an mp3 Player. 0 Auckland, New Zealand Airplane Interior In-flight Greeting - Boeing 767 In-flight instructions and information with interior ambiance and some background walla. No indication of airline.
44 05:00 Click here to listen to this sound with an mp3 Player. 0 Australia Train Interior Ride Rattle - Electric train, end of car, doors open. Smooth sound of wheels on tracks and lots of creaking and banging with adjacent car. Constant running speed.
45 02:37 Click here to listen to this sound with an mp3 Player. 0 Australia Train Interior Ride Rattle - Electric train same as previous recording. Doors closed squeaks and rattles less harsh. Train comes to a halt at end.
46 01:55 Click here to listen to this sound with an mp3 Player. 0 Australia Train Interior Ride Rattle - Electric train as previous recording. Same location. Train leaves from standstill up to running speed.
47 04:58 Click here to listen to this sound with an mp3 Player. 0 Australia Train Interior Ride Rattle - Electric train same as previous recording. Perspective from inside a berth. Good wheel on track sound.
48 04:53 Click here to listen to this sound with an mp3 Player. 0 Australia Train Interior Ride Rattle - Electric train same as previous recording. Traveling at slow speed, comes to a halt, and starts again. Good muffled sound and electric motor hum.
49 05:00 Click here to listen to this sound with an mp3 Player. 0 South Australia Waves Surf Rocks - 100 km east of Melbourne. Irregular pattern of large, heavy waves on rocks. Incoming tide. Waves crash on rocks about 50 ft away and roll in quite close.
50 08:00 Click here to listen to this sound with an mp3 Player. 0 Australia Automobile Car Interior Rattle - Late 1970’s Ford Cortina. Australian built, automatic. Drive away at various speeds and up to 55 MPH (90 KPH). Good rattles and bumps of car interior on bumpy road. Motor pretty quiet, mostly just rattles and bumps.

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