Bohemian Passport Sound Effects Library  

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No. Length Play Price Location Description
101 01:58 0 Lake Toba, Sumatra, Indonesia Batak Dance Music - Percussive, wind and string instruments accompanying Batak Dance. Short chanted intro. Slight walla and grass skirt rustle.
102 03:00 0 Lake Toba, Sumatra, Indonesia Batak Dance Music - Percussive, wind and string instruments accompanying Batak Dance. Short chanted intro. Slight walla and grass skirt rustle.
103 01:27 0 Lake Toba, Sumatra, Indonesia Batak Dance Music - Percussive, wind and string instruments accompanying Batak Dance. Short chanted intro. Slight walla and grass skirt rustle.
104 06:03 Click here to listen to this sound with an mp3 Player. 0 Singapore Shopping Mall Concourse - 12:00 noon. Seven story shopping building with a large, open concourse in centre. 4th floor perspective. Escalators, elevators, activity, distant walla.
105 03:57 Click here to listen to this sound with an mp3 Player. 0 Singapore Subway Platform - Train arrive, door open, door close, train away. Chinese walla, lots of activity, ambient air squeal and rumble.
106 01:44 Click here to listen to this sound with an mp3 Player. 0 Singapore Pneumatic Hammer Construction - Pneumatic hammer with compressor runs on and off for short periods of time. Light ambient rumble as well as compressor in background when hammer is off.
107 05:10 Click here to listen to this sound with an mp3 Player. 0 Singapore Construction Harbour Hammering - Construction site at dockyards with banging and hammering. Deep engine rumble from large ships nearby. Very slight walla of crew as well as whistling.
108 05:07 Click here to listen to this sound with an mp3 Player. 0 Singapore Construction Harbour - Construction site at dockyards. Pneumatic hammers and deep engine rumble from large ships nearby. Pneumatic Hammers mostly on right side, ship engine rumble mostly on left side. Pneumatic Hammers more distant than in #106.
109 01:31 Click here to listen to this sound with an mp3 Player. 0 Singapore Subway Platform Train - Train arrive, doors open, chime, doors close, train away. Quiet and smooth with very little distant walla and movement of people.
110 05:11 Click here to listen to this sound with an mp3 Player. 0 Singapore Subway Platform Train - Outdoor platform. Some walla and movement but still not very busy, lots of air. Trains arrive and leave @ 02:30 and 03:45.
111 05:27 Click here to listen to this sound with an mp3 Player. 0 Singapore Market Chinese Crowd - Covered Chinese food market. Children and adults. walla, activity, stir fry cooking in woks. Very busy with lots of good yelling pop-outs of vendors calling out. Very dry, no real reflections.
112 05:22 Click here to listen to this sound with an mp3 Player. 0 Singapore Market Chinese Crowd - Covered Chinese food market. Children and adults, walla, activity, stir fry cooking in woks and chopping. Also occasional sound of band saw cutting. Somewhat reflective with sound of slap off walls and ceiling.
113 04:49 Click here to listen to this sound with an mp3 Player. 0 Malacca, Malaysia Restaurant Chinese - Chinese run chicken-rice restaurant. Quite busy at beginning but settles down quickly with walla, ceiling fans and some very occasional exterior traffic.
114 04:50 Click here to listen to this sound with an mp3 Player. 0 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Market Malaysia - 11:00 P.M. Night market. Outdoor satay restaurant. Lots of walla. Hammer banging, deep frying, slap of rubber thongs on feet. Low end distant traffic rumble very slight and can easily be filtered out.
115 06:04 Click here to listen to this sound with an mp3 Player. 0 Kuala Terenganu, Malaysia Market Malaysia - 12:00 noon. Activity and walla of an open market. Timbre changes as perspective moves indoors @ 02:18. Light sounding with lots of movement and feet shuffle as well as walla. Occasional machinery and one small motorcycle start and away.
116 05:10 Click here to listen to this sound with an mp3 Player. 0 Kuala Terenganu, Malaysia Market Malaysia - Busy but subdued outdoor morning market crowd. Lots of good activity with some distant traffic. walla of adults and children as well as animal noises.
117 05:51 Click here to listen to this sound with an mp3 Player. 0 Kuala Terenganu, Malaysia Market Malaysia - Covered indoor morning market. walla and market activity with some small two-stroke motorcycles in medium foreground. Perspective changes to lesser reflective @ 02:13, more reflective @ 03:30 and back to lesser reflective @ 05:15.
118 03:50 Click here to listen to this sound with an mp3 Player. 0 Penang Island, Malaysia Motorcycles Passbys Traffic - Traffic passbys mostly right to left. Mostly small (80-125 cc) two-stroke motorcycles at approx. 80 km/h. Some cars and buses.
119 08:54 Click here to listen to this sound with an mp3 Player. 0 Malaysia Train Interior Idle and Away - Train en route to Thailand. Passengers board idling train with low key walla and movement. Light rumble and ceiling fan noise to be heard. Train begins to silently pull away @ 02:30. Very smooth sound of wheels on track changing timbre as track changes. Passengers fall silent @ 06:30 until end of recording.
120 04:24 Click here to listen to this sound with an mp3 Player. 0 Bangkok, Thailand Market Thailand Crowd - Outdoor Weekend Market. Lively. Lots of activity and walla with some faint, distant traffic, as well as a short P.A. Announcement at 02:40. Lots of shuffling of rubber thong sandals on gritty pavement.
121 04:39 Click here to listen to this sound with an mp3 Player. 0 Bangkok, Thailand Market Animals Thailand - Weekend Market interior. Small animals section. Mostly birds, but also chickens, dogs and goats. Plenty of lively walla of people.
122 05:50 Click here to listen to this sound with an mp3 Player. 0 Bangkok, Thailand Restaurant Thailand - Large, busy Thai restaurant. Lots of busy walla with laughter at beginning. Constant light clatter of dishes and cutlery. Most dishes activity distant, but some closer at 04:27 to 05:30. Same restaurant as Serial No. 123, but a bit lighter.
123 04:00 Click here to listen to this sound with an mp3 Player. 0 Bangkok, Thailand Restaurant Thailand - Large, busy Thai restaurant. Lots of busy walla and activity. Constant light clatter of dishes and cutlery. Same restaurant as Serial No. 122, but a bit busier along with some closer voices.
124 03:42 0 Bangkok, Thailand Traditional Thai Music - Drums, bells and xylophone type instrument. Not very clean, lots of walla as well as some slight distortion at points. Drummer has a hard time keeping time.
125 06:51 0 Bangkok, Thailand Traditional Thai Music - Drums, bells and xylophone type instrument. Not very clean, lots of walla as well as some slight distortion at points.

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