Bohemian Passport Sound Effects Library  

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No. Length Play Price Location Description
559 04:53 Click here to listen to this sound with an mp3 Player. 0 Cologne (Koeln), Germany Church Cathedral Interior Crowd - 1:00 PM. Interior of the Dome Cathedral of Cologne as visitors walk about. German walla, feet and movement in a large, reflective stone hall. Ground level perspective recording. Church Cathedral Interior Crowd
560 05:57 Click here to listen to this sound with an mp3 Player. 0 Cologne (Koeln), Germany Museum Crowd German walla - 2:00 PM. Wallraf-Richartz-Museum foyer. Large German speaking crowd moves about and wallas. One child in particular sings loudly in background for first minute. Museum Crowd German walla
561 05:23 Click here to listen to this sound with an mp3 Player. 0 Duesseldorf, Germany Cafe Airport German - 10:15 AM. Low key airport terminal ambiance and cafe activity with light walla. Dishes clatter, people walla in various languages, occasional cash register. P.A. chime and page @ 02:30 (very low), 04:07 and 05:05. Electric cart by at 04:40. Cafe Airport German
562 02:49 Click here to listen to this sound with an mp3 Player. 0 London, England Covered Market Hall Crowd - 6:30 PM. Covert Garden large covered hall with busy medium distant and distant walla, movement and activity. M+E friendly. Covered Market Hall Crowd
563 05:18 Click here to listen to this sound with an mp3 Player. 0 London, England Orchestra Warm Up Tuning - 8:00 PM. Drurie Lane Theatre. Orchestra warms up in large, modern, non reflective theatre while audience is seated and wallas. Orchestra Warm Up Tuning
564 03:10 Click here to listen to this sound with an mp3 Player. 0 London, England Audience Applause - 10:00 PM. Drurie Lane Theatre. Audience applause from audience perspective. Constant with swells as main actors take bows. Some light, unidentifiable voices. Audience Applause
565 05:11 Click here to listen to this sound with an mp3 Player. 0 London, England Museum Interior Hall Crowd - 12:30 PM. Victoria & Albert Museum. Quiet, distant museum crowd in large reflective hall. Museum Interior Hall Crowd
566 05:53 Click here to listen to this sound with an mp3 Player. 0 London, England Museum Interior Hall Crowd - 1:00 PM. Victoria & Albert Museum. Quiet, close to distant museum crowd (8-25 people) in large reflective hall. 10m x 20m x 7m high with stone floor. Mostly feet and distant murmur. Museum Interior Hall Crowd
567 05:00 Click here to listen to this sound with an mp3 Player. 0 London, England Museum Interior Hall Crowd - 4:15 PM. Victoria & Albert Museum. 12 sided hall 20m in diameter with a 10 m vaulted ceiling and carpeted floor. Still quite reflective, lots of movement and rustle, but no feet. Plenty of quiet walla. Museum Interior Hall Crowd
568 05:00 Click here to listen to this sound with an mp3 Player. 0 London, England Museum Interior Hall Crowd - 2:20 PM. Victoria & Albert Museum. Long hall 6m wide, 6m high and 50-60m long. Distant feet, movement and murmur. Museum Interior Hall Crowd
569 05:21 Click here to listen to this sound with an mp3 Player. 0 London, England Museum Interior Hall Crowd - 3:00 PM. Victoria & Albert Museum. Medium size crowd of people moving about in moderately reflective, large hall with creaky wooden floor and 6m high ceiling. People, movement and feet in all perspectives. Museum Interior Hall Crowd
570 05:21 Click here to listen to this sound with an mp3 Player. 0 London, England Museum Interior Hall Crowd - 4:45 PM. Victoria & Albert Museum front entrance foyer. People walla and movement in a large and very reflective hall. Distant turnstile clatters on occasion. Museum Interior Hall Crowd
571 06:28 Click here to listen to this sound with an mp3 Player. 0 London, England Bar Pub Crowd English walla - 7:00 PM. Busy English pub with lots of happy patron walla. Some creaking of floor at a few points and some very slight ventilation hum. Bar Pub Crowd English walla
572 05:16 Click here to listen to this sound with an mp3 Player. 0 London, England Crowd walla Store English - 5:00 PM. Interior crowds of Harrods Department Store. Hall in which flowers and baked goods are sold. All sorts of different languages and accents. Crowd walla Store English
573 05:45 Click here to listen to this sound with an mp3 Player. 0 London, England Train Subway Station Crowd - 5:45 PM. Leichester Square underground station crowds moving through station during rush hour. Very busy, lots of movement and walla. Short P.A. announcements @ 00:25, 02:44 and 05:02. Train Subway Station Crowd
574 05:28 Click here to listen to this sound with an mp3 Player. 0 London, England Audience Crowd walla - 7:00 PM. Audience gathers and wallas in large theatre. Lots of good, distant, busy walla and coughing and such as well as some medium close voices. Some light movement, no feet. Audience Crowd walla
575 01:08 Click here to listen to this sound with an mp3 Player. 0 London, England Laughter Audience Short - 8:00 PM. Wyndham Theatre. 15 short audience perspective laughs of various sizes. Laughter Audience Short
576 02:05 Click here to listen to this sound with an mp3 Player. 0 London, England Laughter Audience Medium Long - 8:00 PM. Wyndham Theatre. 8 medium length audience perspective laughs of various sizes. Last one with applause. Laughter Audience Medium Long
577 00:20 Click here to listen to this sound with an mp3 Player. 0 London, England Laughter Audience Snicker - 8:00 PM. Wyndham Theatre. Light snicker from audience perspective. Laughter Audience Snicker
578 00:30 Click here to listen to this sound with an mp3 Player. 0 London, England Audience Presence Room tone - 8:00 PM. Wyndham Theatre. Light presence and room tone from audience perspective. Audience Presence Room tone
579 02:53 Click here to listen to this sound with an mp3 Player. 0 London, England Audience Applause Depart Exit - 10:00 PM. Wyndham Theatre. Audience applause at end of show followed by movement and walla of exiting crowd from audience perspective. Audience Applause Depart Exit
580 06:16 Click here to listen to this sound with an mp3 Player. 0 London, England Bus Double-decker Interior - 2:00 PM. Interior upper level of near empty double deck bus driving through stop and go London city traffic. Lots of good rattle and bump as well as engine sounds. Very slight wet traffic in quiet idle moments. Bus Double-decker Interior
581 05:12 Click here to listen to this sound with an mp3 Player. 0 London, England Restaurant Cafe English - 4:00 PM. Camden Square. Low key English and Italian walla of small crowd in London Cafe. Some dishes clatter as well as bar activity. Slightly reflective large room with wooden floor. Restaurant Cafe English
582 01:20 Click here to listen to this sound with an mp3 Player. 0 London, England Crowd walla German English - 1:46 AM. walla of New Year’s Eve party goers on top level of London double deck bus. Bus noise is very low could pass as background traffic. Crowd walla German English
583 06:30 Click here to listen to this sound with an mp3 Player. 0 London, England Subway Train Tube London - 6:40 PM. Creaky wood and steel London subway car rattles along track and stops at five stations on northern line. People walla for first two stops and get off, car is empty for three more stops. P.A. announcement at last stop. Subway Train Tube London

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