Bohemian Passport Sound Effects Library  

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No. Length Play Price Location Description
509 05:39 Click here to listen to this sound with an mp3 Player. 0 Seoul, Korea Market Korean walla Crowd - 4:30 PM. Nan Kay Wan Market (Spelling?) Busy exterior market with walla and activity. People in close medium and far perspectives. Vendors hawking, yelling and clapping to sell clothing is main feature. Market Korean walla Crowd
510 04:57 Click here to listen to this sound with an mp3 Player. 0 Seoul, Korea Market Korean walla Crowd - 4:45 PM. Nan Kay Wan Market (Spelling?) Interior market clothing section with walla and activity. People in close medium and far perspectives. Lots of light walla, mostly female voices. Market Korean walla Crowd
511 03:39 Click here to listen to this sound with an mp3 Player. 0 Seoul, Korea Market Korean walla Crowd - 5:00 PM. Nan Kay Wan Market (Spelling?) Medium busy exterior market with walla and activity. People in close medium and far perspectives. Market Korean walla Crowd
512 05:00 Click here to listen to this sound with an mp3 Player. 0 Seoul, Korea Market Korean walla Crowd - 5:00 PM. Nan Kay Wan Market (Spelling?) Quiet exterior market with low key walla and activity. People in close medium and far perspectives. More vender calling than anything else. Market Korean walla Crowd
513 05:39 Click here to listen to this sound with an mp3 Player. 0 Seoul, Korea Restaurant Korean walla - 9:15 PM. Korean walla and background kitchen noises, frying sizzle and dish clatter of a small restaurant in a reflective room. Some low end ventilation rumble. Busy, animated walla.
514 05:00 Click here to listen to this sound with an mp3 Player. 0 Seoul, Korea Restaurant Korean walla - 9:30 PM. Korean walla and background kitchen noises, frying sizzle and dish clatter of a small restaurant in a reflective room. Some low end ventilation rumble. Busy, animated walla. Same restaurant as #513, different location. A little less bright but still very good.
515 03:56 Click here to listen to this sound with an mp3 Player. 0 Seoul, Korea Crowd Korean walla Cicadas - 3:20 PM. Lively outdoor crowds walla and movement of distant and semi distant Korean adults and children visiting a Buddhist temple in a park like setting. Cicadas chirp in noon day heat and wooden temple chime in background
516 06:16 Click here to listen to this sound with an mp3 Player. 0 Taejon, Korea City Atmosphere Traffic Wet - 11:20 PM. Wet city traffic with sporadic horns and very light, unintelligible muffled walla. Fourth floor perspective. Very, very light hint of distant crickets can be heard at points if played loudly.
517 05:15 Click here to listen to this sound with an mp3 Player. 0 Taejon, Korea City Atmosphere Traffic - 9:15 AM. City traffic with sporadic horns. Fourth floor perspective. Cars and buses. Some vehicles pass left to right or right to left, but mostly indistinct wide stereo.
518 04:42 Click here to listen to this sound with an mp3 Player. 0 Seoul, Korea Subway Platform Train Seoul - 3:00 PM. Three subway trains arrive, stop and away. First two right to left, last one left to right. Platform perspective, very few people on platform. P.A. and warning alarm before trains arrive.
519 10:35 Click here to listen to this sound with an mp3 Player. 0 Seoul, Korea Subway Platform Train Seoul - 3:10 PM. Same location as recording # 518, different position. Six subway trains arrive, stop and away. Busier with more people on platform, but still quite low key. Child cries on platform after fourth train departs station. P.A. and warning alarm before trains arrive.
520 04:00 Click here to listen to this sound with an mp3 Player. 0 Seoul, Korea Airport Crowd walla Korean - 7:00 P.M. Kimpo Intel Airport. Busy crowd of travelers in large reflective room. Adults and children. Chime and P.A. @ about 01:04. Recorded from one floor above, balcony perspective.
521 05:28 Click here to listen to this sound with an mp3 Player. 0 San Francisco, USA Diner Restaurant Dishes USA - 4:45 PM. Interior medium busy diner. Constant clatter of dishes, light walla and consistent refrigeration hum. Occasional flare up of frying on griddle. walla mostly unintelligible English and perhaps Italian. Diner Restaurant Dishes American
522 05:47 Click here to listen to this sound with an mp3 Player. 0 San Francisco, USA Sea Lions Barking - 6:30 AM. About 200 sea lions barking and huffing and puffing at Pier 39, Fisherman’s Wharf. Occasional water splash as they fall off of floating platforms.
523 05:33 Click here to listen to this sound with an mp3 Player. 0 San Francisco, USA Restaurant Kitchen walla USA - 8:30 PM. Busy restaurant interior, patrons wait for tables. Left side mostly patron walla, right side mostly open kitchen sounds and dishes clatter. Host calls patrons names. Restaurant Kitchen walla USA
524 05:23 Click here to listen to this sound with an mp3 Player. 0 San Francisco, USA Restaurant Kitchen walla USA - 9:00 PM. Lively walla of restaurant patrons dining, ordering and discussing menu. Dishes clatter as well as distant open kitchen sounds. Small child cries briefly at about 03:30. Restaurant Kitchen walla USA
525 06:26 Click here to listen to this sound with an mp3 Player. 0 San Francisco, USA City Back Alley Traffic Atmosphere - 7:00 AM. Back alley atmosphere of big city. Fourth floor perspective, main street about 50 meters away. Cars, trucks and buses all non directional. Distant siren by @ 00:30. City Back Alley Traffic Atmosphere
526 05:39 Click here to listen to this sound with an mp3 Player. 0 San Francisco, USA City Street Traffic Atmosphere USA - 9:00 AM. Street level recording of big city USA. Cars, trucks, buses as well as two fire engine bys @ 01:25 and 01:52. Jackhammer runs off and on in background. Sporadic walla and movement from pedestrians.
527 02:32 Click here to listen to this sound with an mp3 Player. 0 San Francisco, USA Drone Whine Industry Cable Car - 4:30 PM. Cable Car Museum. Whine and drone of central cable car engine room. Driving mechanism runs four sets of cables to power all cable cars.
528 06:07 Click here to listen to this sound with an mp3 Player. 0 San Francisco, USA Bar Crowd walla USA - 6:20 PM. Young San Franciscans having a good time at happy hour. Lots of animated female laughter in background and a group of gay men in mid ground chatting. Occasional dishes clatter. Bar Crowd walla USA
529 05:14 Click here to listen to this sound with an mp3 Player. 0 San Francisco, USA Restaurant walla USA - 8:35 PM. Stinking Rose Restaurant. Very busy restaurant with lots of walla as well as some dishes clatter, mostly in distance. People in close medium and distant perspectives. Restaurant Kitchen walla USA
530 05:32 Click here to listen to this sound with an mp3 Player. 0 San Francisco, USA City Street Traffic Atmosphere - 12:10 PM. Geary St. traffic passes left to right and city atmosphere. Street activity and sparse, light walla of passing pedestrians which could easily be edited out if required. Short jet pass high overhead @ 00:37. Man sneezes @02:49. Street level recording. City Street Traffic Atmosphere
531 05:01 Click here to listen to this sound with an mp3 Player. 0 San Francisco, USA Museum Hall Crowd walla - 4:15 PM. De Young Museum (Spelling?) entrance hall. Light crowd walla with some feet in a large reveberant hall. Museum Hall Crowd walla
532 02:48 Click here to listen to this sound with an mp3 Player. 0 San Francisco, USA Restaurant Bar Pub walla - 7:15 PM. New Delhi Restaurant. Animated bar crowd at happy hour. Predominant Scottish tourist voices over American. Mostly voices, not too much glasses clinking. Some low ventilation hum. Restaurant Bar Pub walla
533 06:22 Click here to listen to this sound with an mp3 Player. 0 San Francisco, USA Restaurant Bar Pub walla - 9:35 PM. Bar in San Francisco Airport. Small crowd walla. Mostly American voices, one French English speaker. Low key bar activity noises. Restaurant Bar Pub walla

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